- Who we are? -

😍 Ever been so captivated by something that it becomes an undying flame within? For me, that was the thing with animals and natural sciences. As a child, encyclopedias and documentaries were my worlds, as I sketched the majestic lives of any animal I saw onto paper.
😓 Sadly, because relocations (I already changed 3 times of country) and life's unpredictabilities, only a few of those drawings are with me as witnesses to my passion.
🔬In that same vein of love for biology, I first studied for a degree in genetics (Universidad Nacional de Misiones), then pursued a PhD in immunology (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, and recently, a postdoctoral fellowship in cellular and molecular biology (The Hospital for Sick Children). During all those years I keep painting and drawing, with ups and downs. Despite the joy I found in delving into the details of different biological processes, for years I felt something was missing.
💡 Then, a turning point. An article in Nature whispered two words to me: "Scientific Illustration". That whisper roared into a pursuit. I bought my first drawing tablet, and the very first stroke I made on it took me to my childhood, sketching animals. By March 2022, I got a master's degree in scientific illustration.
🎨 By August 15th of 2022, a year ago exactly, I had a new calling: I left research bench behind to embark on this new journey. Full of doubts, but with my pen, I jumped to the vacum, earning less than 10% of my previous salary (let's be honest, posdoc fellowship don't pay you so much anyway😅). Thank you from the bottom of my heart to my wife Jimena Leyria for being so supportive in this decision 💚. And here I am, a year ago after reconnected with that child who drew whales and dinosaurs, feeling an immeasurable pleasure in expressing the natural history, biology, and cosmos through shapes and colors, trying to bring scientific knowledge closer to everyone.
😎 So, every Friday at 13:30 my Alexa speaker chimes with reminders of my days in the lab: "this is a reminder, Cell Biology Journal Club". And that makes me happy. Happy to see the whole path that brought me here. But happiest even because, again, I'm diving among animals, cells and graphics, sketching nature and putting science into artistic shapes
😊So, I tell you curious person, friend or client: this is the engine that move my career now. You can spect my best on what I'm doing. Cheers!

PS: As you can see, a pelican drawing from those days, and a note from my school art proffesor: "You are a great artist. Creative in your works, meticulous, perfectionist. Never stop drawing. Take advantage of all the capabilities you have to forge a better future". Signed by: Anita - 1998.


- We are biology lovers -

In darwid_illustration we are biology lovers in all its forms, colors and magnitudes. We range from cell biology, immunology and biochemistry, to zoology, population genetics and ecology. Although we know we cannot be experts in all these areas at the same time, our professional background allows us to navigate, interpret and illustrate the literature of these exciting disciplines.

We are David y Jimena, genetisist and biochemist, with PhD in chemistry sciences and wide background in immunology, cell biology and animal physiology. We have always been interested in science communication and biology details, therefore, combining that with our love for drawing, we specialize on scientific illustration and animation.


What to do if we want to explain the life cycle of some animal, the geography of a territory, or an interesting story, but words are not enough?

It is very likely that most of us take a piece of paper and make a sketch to be able to explain it. However, if we want to transform these ideas into scientific/naturalistic illustrations, not only technically accurate and visually attractive, but also showing the story that is behind them, we will face a challenging task.


- Our duty -

In darwid_illustration we understand the mean of these sketches, thus our duty is to take them off the paper and turning them into high-quality digital scientific and artistic illustrations, with the aim of communicate their main ideas.


- We are glad to help -

If you are preparing a scientific article, a grant, a thesis, a book or even a thematical website, we can help communicating all your ideas with the personalized aesthetic that your content demands.


- Always improving our skills -

We love challenges, constructive criticism and sharing our experiences. For this reason, we are continuously training to improve our discipline, studying and participating in scientific illustration contests, congresses and presentations, journalistic interviews, among others.

- ¡Happy clients! -

The Hospital for Sick Children, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, University of Harvard, Universidad Austral de Chile, UCT-H Oñativia, SIIC, Hospital Dr. Oñativia, University of Toronto. :)