Scientific Publications

We personalize figure designs for scientific journals. If you need a graphical abstract, a signaling pathway or a particular biological cycle, we will help you to enhance the results of your publication by visually highlighting them with a high-quality illustration.

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Infographics are visual and informative resources that aim to briefly explain a particular topic, using different visual sources such as statistical graphs, geographic maps, icons, diagrams and realistic illustrations, all in the same image. If you are a teacher, an educational institution or a public health institution, and you need the design of this comprehensive visual resource, we will help you generating the infographic that best match all the content you want to communicate.

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Thesis Illustrations

If you are preparing to defend your undergraduate, master or doctoral thesis, and you want to enhance them with visual content that complements your speech, we want you hear your ideas. We can help you design high-quality figures and illustrations, not only useful for your thesis, but also suitable for oral presentations, posters or even scientific publications.

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We were, we are, and we will always be students, learning and improving ourselves in what we do. Our experience as university teachers in courses such as animal biology, cell biology, immunology, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, allow us to understand the dynamics of teaching content to turn it into graphic materials adaptable to different educational levels. If you are teaching, we want to help you to prepare the material for your classes.

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Naturalist Illustrations

We love to draw all kinds of plants, animals, fungi and all kind of bugs. We specialize in designing sketches, icons, or realistic illustrations for journals, books, publishers, or personal interests with artistic details such as tatoos or t-shirts.

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Logo Design

Logo is a image that represents you, your work, or your institution, that is why they must be precise, attractive, and condense the spirit of what they represent. If you need a custom design of your logo, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Web Site Illustrations

If you are looking for the desing and identity for your website, we can help you with thematic illustrations, logos, fonts, graphic design, among others. Do not hesitate to contact us to make your inquiry.

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